Michael Knudson Portfolio

Speculative Work


This section contains hypothetical ads.

Ads here are speculative. Some are paired with an existing ad to match the brand messaging while improving on potential issues. Others are based simply on the feeling of the brand or product.

Lay’s Radio Spot

Lays Logo.png

Olympus Tough Ad Campaign

olympus ad v.3.jpg

Snuggle Ad

Snuggle Ad v.2.jpg

Charmin Ad

Charmin Ad.jpg

Club House TV Campaign

Club House Ad - Applewood.jpg

Hershey’s Campaign

Hershey Ad 1.2.jpg

Toyota Mirai Ad

Toyota Mirai Ad 1.3.jpg

Air Canada Ad

Air Canada Ad 1.2.jpg

Bubly Sparkling Water Ad

pop some bubly ad.jpg

Blistex - Blissful Butters


Tazo Tea



lunchables with juice.jpg

Mini Wheats

mini wheats full size.jpg


Robitussin with light.jpg

Montana's - Facebook Ad

Montana's FB Ad.jpg